I love my winters
Today I had to push myself to go out. The sky was grey and the cold wind was crashing into my windows telling me “stay indoors, it is very cold outside”. But following my commitment from the beginning of the year to be more in contact with nature I put my boots on, wrapped myself in warm cloths and then I went to the park.What a beautiful experience!! … the lake was like a mirror reflecting the sky and the trees without leaves. I walked feeling the cold wind in my face and enjoying the view. How wise is nature! It looks like everything were sleeping, preparing for spring. I thought about my life and how, like in nature, it is important that we live the winter as a preparation for the music and colours of the spring. Like the trees without leaves we need to live the grief of emptiness for the loss of someone we love or for the loss of a job, or for the changes of habits, or the letting go of a dream. I suddenly realised that every human being has their personal winters and when we are living those challenging times in our lives we can feel no hope, but it could be a different way. We can feel the emptiness and cold of the winter of our life in peace, because we know in spring every branch of the tree will have leaves and flowers will grow again, and the weather will get warmer.
There is no spring without winter and after winter is always spring but the change from one season to another always takes time. I looked into my personal winters and I was amazed at the beautiful springs I always had. My heart was full of gratitude for the grey and cold of the winter because by contrast I could admire and love the warm and colours that spring always bring with it.
If you are living a personally challenging time or you know some one who is, I invite you and them to get in connection with nature, to open your heart to the silence of winter knowing that spring always returns.