The present moment
This month is my birthday and I remember when I was young,how much I wanted the time to run faster so I could be a grown up and have the power to do what ever I wanted.Later in life, I started to be worried about how quick the time was passing and how I was ageing with out doing a lot of the things I was dreaming to achieve. Now, I arrived to the wise age:-) : There is no hurry for the time to pass, it is not worry that it will not be enough time.
This month is my birthday and I celebrate the anniversary of the day I came to this world as Maria Teresa. At this time, I just realise it could not be a better blessing than to live in the present moment, it allows me to feel deeply, allows me “to cry with all my tears and laugh with all my laugh” like The Prophet said when he spoke about love...
When we are in the present it is not a rush, it is not fear, there are not regrets. In the present moment I am powerful to create my reality, to perceive what is outside myself in the way I want.
This month I am inviting you to be free of time, because:
1. According with quantum physics time does not exist
2. The point of power is always at the present moment
3. It open the door to peace and happiness
Have a go to be in the present and let me know if you notice any positive changes in your life
Lots of love